Kanmodi Funmilayo
5 min readNov 26, 2021

The Legend Of The Goatee! The Importance Of Customer Feedback And Market Research In Improving Your Brand

On the 15th of November 2021, we had a discussion on our WhatsApp group, Monique was convinced Golden penny had the best noodles in the country, others begged to differ.

We did not see anything special about the golden penny chicken and jollof flavour, heck these noodles got soggy if left in water for anything more than three minutes and the seasoning was just average with no specific taste to arouse attention or keep someone from considering other options.

Monique realized that this argument was going absolutely nowhere till someone texted that we should get the “goat meat pepper soup flavour”.

We laughed it off and Kidochukwu promised to check it out and share her feedback with us. For me well I just had to wait till Kido shared her feedback.

Kido came back the next day with stunning feedbacks, she couldn’t stop talking about how good this new product was, the seasoning hype, the noodle texture and even the branding. It was hard to get Kido say something nice about someone and not even something.

I decided to try it out, of course I had nothing to lose, it still sold for the regular price of the chicken noodles.

I would be lying if I didn’t say I was impressed and I had to do a little research to find out what golden penny got right this time.

In 2021 golden penny noodles rolled out a new flavour into the market, this flavour was called the Goat meat pepper soup flavour.

This new product came with certain peculiarities that created a frenzy that had people looking to get this specific flavour and nothing else.

These peculiarities include:

Attractive Packing
I know we hear things like never judge a book by its cover, well this saying doesn’t necessarily apply to food. For so many people like myself how well a food is packed determines if I would be getting it.

Imagine buying a bread without nylon, I’m sure the image made you shudder. Golden penny noodles upped their game and went for a more attractive packing compared to that of their original flavour that had so many colours contrasting at once.

The Legend of The Goatee
This flavour had a back story titled “The legend of the goatee”, I am a sucker for good stories fictional or non-fictional and they sold the noodles to me with this back story and trust me I was impressed that they wanted to create a story that would be original to this flavour.

Better Seasoning
The seasoning of this noodles had a unique taste and smell, I remember the day I cooked it my mum came in and asked if I just finished cooking jollof rice and goat meat. I was like no ooo it’s just noodles.

Better Noodle Texture
Remember how I complained that the noodles gets soggy after spending a total of 3 minutes in water well the goat meat pepper soup flavour remained firm and separated till I finished cooking and I enjoyed the ramen feel.

Cost Of The Product
With this being a new product in the market with a different flavour the price is supposed to be different a little higher like other brands, but golden penny still sells this flavour at the regular price of the original flavour.

Enough of my story what I just did was give a break down of how valuable customer feedback and marketing research can be in providing better products and services that can help you retain existing customers and even get new customers.

Golden penny from all indications took their customer feedback into consideration and also went the extra mile to do better marketing research to help them make their product stand out.

As a business owner or organization that provides a specific product and service your customer feedback is very crucial in helping you become a better brand.

What is the best way to get your customer feedback?
Easy Peasy, lemon squeezy! Interact with your customers by using different platforms that are available.

Personalize your approach for each customer, this is what is identified as direct marketing. It simply means reaching out to them with the medium your customer prefers not what you prefer.

Customer feedback isn’t usually enough in this situation, work with data and analytics as well.

This is where market research comes in, study market trends, get better analytics that can help you make data driven decisions for your business. This means you have weighed in on the pros and cons before diving head first into making a decision.

Okay seems like I spoke too much already, I would like to understand things from your point of view as well, what do you think should be put into consideration to improve your business or brand.

Drop a comment below!!!!!!